
Blogs authored by Loves Cloud’s team on topics ranging from cloud computing, Devops, cloud management et al. Sharing our experience and knowledge with all for using technology to solve problems for our customers and ourselves.
What is DevOps, Really?

What is DevOps, Really?

I started my career as a graphics designer way back in 1999 after completing my education in accounting! I switched to programming couple of years later as I figured that programmers (that’s what developers were called then) made more money than graphic designers! For next 14 years or so, I was comfortably working through various...
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Top 10 FREE Resources for Learning AWS

Top 10 FREE Resources for Learning AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is pretty intimidating, and with 100+ services and their use cases, it is even more dreadful to think about learning about that ocean of information. Combine that with scores of resources, both paid and free that’s available for consumption and we’ve got a pretty solid problem at hand: Where do we...
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FOSS DevOps Toolchain For Startups

FOSS DevOps Toolchain For Startups

When we started Loves Cloud ( last year in November, we were more than committed to use and evangelize free and open source software (FOSS) for our customers and for ourselves for all devops requirements. After going through more than a dozen tools, we have zeroed in on 6 tools that makes a fabulous devops...
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Getting Started with Jenkins

Getting Started with Jenkins

Jenkins is a most popular and pretty powerful open source continuous integration server and an automation platform. It integrates seamlessly with hundreds of tools and platforms that are used during software development lifecycle. In world of DevOps, various tools help to achieve automation at various stages which helps in achieving Continuous Development( CD ) , Continuous Integration(...
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Why is DevOps Required?

Why is DevOps Required?

Well, the big question, why the heck do I need devops anyway? Everything is running more or less as expected in my organization and there are hiccups in every single organization, so what’s the big deal about requiring devops? This is not a very uncommon question and certainly rattles most of us. How do we...
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Why CEOs Burn Their Hands on Cloud & DevOps?

Why CEOs Burn Their Hands on Cloud & DevOps?

In last one year, I have met close to a dozen C suite executives who are either running their workloads on cloud, planning to migrate their workloads on cloud and implement devops for their workloads. Most of these executives started these initiatives keeping following goals in mind:   Reduction in Cost of Infrastructure Agility in...
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