
Blogs authored by Loves Cloud’s team on topics ranging from cloud computing, Devops, cloud management et al. Sharing our experience and knowledge with all for using technology to solve problems for our customers and ourselves.
Reimagining how you work on Cloud

Reimagining how you work on Cloud

Back in 2015 when businesses started to move to cloud they went into cloud without any strategy which led them to an insecure architecture on cloud and unstable business transition as well. As we progressed, we realized that making a move to the cloud is like chess, you have to perform multiple moves, all leading...
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Weekly assessment for your cloud

Weekly assessment for your cloud

Cloud management is an iterative process and should be added to your daily agendas like your daily standups. While we aimed to make cloud management as a part of your teams & simplify your cloud experience, we also researched about how we can make this transition more simpler for our users. Based on our research...
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8 Steps for A Better Cloud Security

8 Steps for A Better Cloud Security

Security is job zero for AWS and most other public cloud platforms. Understandably, security is highest priority for all organizations running their workloads on cloud. While security in cloud is a paradigm shift for many, primarily due to concept of shared security responsibility model, cloud platforms provide a set of best practices to ensure that...
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What is DevOps, Really?

What is DevOps, Really?

I started my career as a graphics designer way back in 1999 after completing my education in accounting! I switched to programming couple of years later as I figured that programmers (that’s what developers were called then) made more money than graphic designers! For next 14 years or so, I was comfortably working through various...
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