Ten Best Practices for Cloud Cost Optimization
Managing cost on cloud could very well be one of the most dreaded tasks for start-ups and enterprises alike. With every major public cloud platform offering more than 100 services with their own pricing models, it only adds to complexity of predicting spend and optimizing cost for your cloud workloads.
However, there are recommended best practices to ensure that cloud costs are optimized and are governed continuously.
Let us look at 10 such best practices:
- Tag all your resources to know where money is spent
- Use consolidated billing to avail volume discount across accounts
- Automate resource lifecycle (create and terminate)
- Right size your resources (storage and instances)
- Choose right pricing model based on usage
- Measure and monitor your resources, continuously (for idle/low usage of resources)
- Delete unused/orphan volumes
- Match usage to storage class (cost varies from ~$4/TB to ~$300/TB, choose wisely)
- Increase elasticity, through automation
- 80% of your cloud cost will be attributed to compute and storage resources, target to optimize them first
PowerBoard simplifies cost visualization and cost optimization for your organization. It provides you a bird’s eye view of your cloud spend through one single dashboard with charts, tables and easy to understand metrics.
This dashboard lists your cloud resources that are contributing most towards your monthly cloud spend along with their monthly trends. You can also see opportunities available for cost optimization based on cloud platform’s recommendations and PowerBoard’s algorithms.
You can drill down cost spend for your servers or your storage services by clicking on respective charts. Alternatively, you can click on unused resources table to view all resources that are either not used or are unattached and contributing to your cloud spend. Moreover, you can receive email with all relevant information periodically for your cloud spend through options available under “settings” section in PowerBoard.
PowerBoard makes cloud management simple for your organization. Connect with us at powerboard@loves.cloud for a 15 minutes demonstration or sign up for a Free 14 days trial.